
Registration procedure:

Please note that the congress fee does not cover hotel accommodation. Reservation of hotel accommodation is included in the registration procedure.
We booked rooms for the participants in Hotel Arigone, which is situated right in the center of the town and 15 minutes from the railway station. You do not need to do any additional reservation. Just please let us know as soon as possible if you want to occupy single-bed room or if you want to share the room with someone else.
We offer you to drive you to the hotel. In this case, please let us know the estimated time of arrival. Otherwise, you can take the tram number 2,3,4,6 and get off at náměstí Republiky (Square of the Republic) and take the street Universitní on your left side.

You will be asked to pay about 2000,-CZK/person/night at the reception desk.

Registration deadline:

Deadline for registration was until 5th February 2016.


Registration fee:

Regular    100,- EUR

Student    50,- EUR

You will be asked to pay conference fee (regular €100/student €50) in cash at registration desk.

Registration fee includes:

  • Book of abstracts
  • Lunches and coffee breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Guided visit of Olomouc
  • Conference Dinner
  • Transportation from and to the hotel



The official language of the workshop will be English.

Dress code:

The workshop will be conceived “T-shirts-friendly” and no dress code is required. We will visit breeding station in Hladké Životice and their field trials during the first day, so dress appropriately.


Czech weather is highly variable in April. Daytime temperatures in April about 10°C, but can easily vary from 5°C to 15°C. Rainfall is possible so dress appropriately.

Banking, currency and exchange:

The official currency in Czech Republic is the Czech Crown. Banking hours are Monday to Friday 9:00-16:00. Banks are closed on weekends but automated cash dispensers are located outside every bank and other areas; cash can be withdrawn 24 hours a day using a credit card or European debit card (with a chip). All major credit cards are accepted in most hotels, restaurants and shops. Foreign currency may be changed at banks, hotels, airports and in exchange offices.

Internet access:

Internet access is available at the symposium venue via a guest login account.




If you have any questions, please use our contact form.